Suboxone Program
Every day more than 90 Americans die after overdosing on opioids, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. To address the national crisis, Redwoods Rural Health Center received the federal AIMS grant focused on substance abuse services and behavioral health counseling. Mandi Battles, PA, and Morgan Hines, PA, are now certified to provide Suboxone Opioid Use Disorder Treatment.
Prescription medication misuse and overdose is a national epidemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The long-term health consequences are severe and can lead to limitations in daily activity, impaired driving, mental health problems, addiction, overdose and death. When it comes to unintentional injury deaths in the U.S., more people die from prescription medication overdoses than in motor vehicle crashes. RRHC’s suboxone program is targeted at addressing opioid addiction and saving lives by reducing overdoses. RRHC patients interested in participating can speak with their Medical Team for more information.

Part of the treatment for opioid dependence is Buprenor-phine/Suboxone, a medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Buprenorphine can be used for detoxification or for maintenance therapy. Even though maintenance treatment for opioid addiction works very well, it is NOT a cure. This means that the patient will continue to need the stable dose of Suboxone, with regular monitoring by the doctor. This is similar to other chronic diseases, such as diabetes or asthma. These illnesses can be treated, but there is no permanent cure, so patients often stay on the same medication for a long time.
Patients who are part of the suboxone treatment program are required to see a medical provider for ongoing Suboxone treatment on a regular basis. Patients who are recovering from addiction also need counseling. To foster this integrative approach to care, RRHC offers individual and group therapy. These appointments are key parts of treatment, and work together with the Suboxone to improve success in treatment for addiction.
RRHC provides suboxone services free of charge for those without insurance who don’t qualify for Medi-Cal. Regardless of your ability to pay, RRHC is here to help you advance with recovery. Please contact Tatyana Grib, MSN to schedule your appointment or to get more information about the program at 707-923-2783.