Our funders
Service Area Competition HRSA 330 (Health Center Cluster)
HRSA QIP Supplemental
PHC recruitment
Dental Transformtation Initiative
Meaningful use
Miscellaneous grants:
Blue Shield Community Health Center Core Support Initiative
Cal Fresh Outreach
Delta Dental (Tooth Fairy)
Telemedicine Coordinator Support Grant
Cal Office of AIDS - Syringe Exchange Program
Suboxone and H&S Grant
ACEs - Prop S Grant
ACEs - NC Grantmaking Partnership
Dental Transformation Initiative - Domain 4
Rooney Resource Center Technical Assistance Program
Southern Humboldt Working Together (SHWT)
Southern Humboldt Working Together (SHWT)
Meetings generally on the first Wednesday of the month from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm - bring your lunch. Meeting locations vary but include the Civic Club in Garberville.
Humboldt Area Foundation
Humboldt Area Foundation is the community foundation of and for the citizens of the North Coast.
The Humboldt Area Foundation was founded on
May 3, 1972 by Vera Perrott Vietor. Since 1972,
Vera's dream has been joined by literally thousands of individuals committed to building a better community.
Through the generosity of these individuals, Vera's original $2.4 million has grown to more than $60 million and has resulted in over $25 million in grants to local charitable organizations working to improve our community
T: 707.442.2993
F: 707.442.3811
Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District
Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District (SHCHD) is dedicated to meeting, at the highest level of quality possible, the needs of its diverse population area through a continuum of healthcare services for individuals, families, and communities. To enhance its effectiveness in education and primary care, SHCHD networks with other providers and agencies within and without its area. Care is provided without regard to economic, ethnic, or religious considerations. A partnership is formed and a holistic approach taken with patients concerning health and well being.
Hospital: 707-923-3921
Clinic: 707-923-3925
Financial Services: 707-923-1387
Admitting: 707-923-4233
Harry Jasper, Administrator: hjasper@shchd.org - 707-923-3921 x260
Humboldt County Mental Health Department
Redwoods Rural Health Center is an active participant in Humboldt's mental health department. The center is on the mental health board of directors and the Mental Health Services Act Steering Committee.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Mental Health Branch is to provide an array of mental health, alcohol and drug related services that promote health and mental health as well as treat illness; respect consumer dignity; respond to cultural differences; and continually evaluate for effectiveness of our services.
National Association of Community Health Centers
The National Association of Community Health Centers or NACHC serves as the major source for information, data, research and advocacy on key issues affecting community-based health centers and the delivery of health care for the medically underserved and uninsured in America. Provides education, training, technical assistance and leadership development to health center staff, boards and others to promote excellence and cost-effectiveness in health delivery practice and community board governance. Builds partnerships and linkages that stimulate public and private sector investment in the delivery of quality health care services to medically underserved communities.
National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc.
7200 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 210
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 301-347-0400
Fax: 301-347-0459
E-mail: contact@nachc.com
California Primary Care Association
The California Primary Care Association is a state-wide consortia of community health centers and other health care providers.
The main purpose of the CPCA is supporting California based community health centers via interactions with state and federal government in pursuit of sustaining equitable, cost effective and accessible health care. The CPCA may be contacted at: 1215 K Street, Sacramento 95814, 916.440.8170, fax is 916.440.8172.
Their website is www.cpca.org.
The North Coast Clinics Network
The North Coast Clinics Network is a Humboldt County based consortia of community health centers and other health services providers. Contact information for NCCN is:
Tim Rine
Executive Director
North Coast Clinics Network
710 E Street, Suite 145
Eureka, CA 95501 tim@northcoastclinics.org
Phone: (707) 444-NCCN (6226)
FAX: (707) 444-6227
Cell: (707) 496-2098